# Tooltip

# Basic tooltip

Create a basic tooltip using the <ax-tooltip> tag wrapping the HTML you want to be tooltipped.
Use the content prop to set the text inside of it.


<ax-tooltip content="Tooltip !">
  <ax-btn class="airforce dark-1 rounded-1 shadow-1">Hover me !</ax-btn>

# Tooltip position

Set the tooltip poisition using the position prop.


<ax-tooltip position="right" content="Tooltip !">
  <ax-btn class="airforce dark-1 rounded-1 shadow-1">Right tooltip</ax-btn>

# Options

Option Default value Description
content "" Tooltip content
position "top" Tooltip position (either "top", "bottom", "left" or "right")
classes "grey dark-4 light-shadow-2 p-2" Tooltip classes
animationDuration 200 Set the animation duration of the tooltip
animationDelay 0 Delay before the tooltip is triggered
offset 10 Px amount between the tooltip and the wrapped component

# Events

Option Description
@init Event triggered once the tooltip has been created
@show Event triggered once the tooltip is shown
@hide Event triggered once the tooltip is hidden