# Collapsible

# Basic collapsible

Create a basic collapsible using the <ax-collapsible> tag.

This is a collapsed element


<ax-btn class="primary rounded-1 shadow-1" @click="isCollapsibleOpened = !isCollapsibleOpened">Trigger collapsible</ax-btn>

<ax-collapsible v-model="isCollapsibleOpened">
  <div class="p-3 my-2 rounded-1 blue light-4 text-blue text-dark-3 bd-solid bd-blue bd-light-1 bd-1">This is a collapsed element</div>


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      isCollapsibleOpened: false,

# Options

Option Default value Description
autoClose true Automatically closes other opened collapsibles
animationDuration 300 Set the animation duration of the modal

# Events

Option Description
@setup Event triggered once the collapsible has been setup
@open Event triggered once the collapsible starts to open
@close Event triggered once the collapsible starts to close